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OWASP IoT 보안 취약점 top 10 본문


OWASP IoT 보안 취약점 top 10

Hotman 2015. 2. 6. 12:51

The OWASP Internet of Things Top 10 - 2014 is as follows:

I1 Insecure Web Interface

I2 Insufficient Authentication/Authorization

I3 Insecure Network Services

I4 Lack of Transport Encryption

I5 Privacy Concerns

I6 Insecure Cloud Interface

I7 Insecure Mobile Interface

I8 Insufficient Security Configurability

I9 Insecure Software/Firmware

I10 Poor Physical Security

Link: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Internet_of_Things_Top_Ten_Project#tab=OWASP_Internet_of_Things_Top_10_for_2014
