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30 | 31 |
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선 밖에 선 자유인
packetfence 설치 본문
요기서 패키지 다운로드
1. yum update
Install Wget
2. yum install wget
Add RPMforge
3. wget http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm
4. rpm –import http://apt.sw.be/RPM-GPG-KEY.dag.txt or gpg –import http://apt.sw.be/RPM-GPG-KEY.dag.txt
5. rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm
Add EPEL software repository:
6. rpm -Uvh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm
Add Open Fusion RPM Repository
7.rpm -Uvh http://repo.openfusion.net/centos6-x86_64/openfusion-release-0.6.2-1.of.el6.noarch.rpm
Exclude perl-Apache-Test from rpmforge and openfusion repository
8. Vi /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo
9. Add the line exclude = perl-Apache-Test* on the section [rpmforge]
10.Vi /etc/yum.repos.d/openfusion.repo
11. add the line exclude = perl-Apache-Test* on the section [of]
12. In order to use the repository, just create a file named /etc/yum.repos.d/PacketFence.repo with the following content
13. [PacketFence]
name=PacketFence Repository
Install PacketFence with all its dependencies
14. yum groupinstall –-enablerepo=PacketFence,rpmforge Packetfence-complete
Once packetfence is installed it can be configured at GUI interface
The management interface will be